I would like to thank everyone for electing me to continue as your Mayordomo for another 2 year term. I would also like to thank all of you who pay your dues, keep your area clean, call before using water and volunteer when called to help. Your adherence to the Bylaws keeps our Acequia alive. I hope to use this new website to keep parciantes up to date on the status of the Acequias and how we can keep them flowing.
Many parciantes are aware that our Acequias had fallen into a state of dysfunction. In my first term as Mayordomo my goal was to run water by mid March and to run the maximum amount of water possible throughout the irrigation season. I was able to accomplish these goals but not without encountering resistance from some non-parciantes and parciantes alike. Resistance took many forms like those listed below:
These are just a few of the problems I encountered. I am pleased to pass on the good news from our Treasurer that more parciantes are paying their dues and that cooperation is better than when I started but we still need everyone to be good acequia citizens.
My mission for the new term is to continue
reclaiming our Acequias so that the water runs efficiently for all
of us with water rights.
It baffles me that some parciantes
and non-parciantes have found it necessary to harass, threaten,
attempt to bribe and verbally abuse me. There are those that have
out right told me they do not care if anyone else gets water as long
as they do.
In my new term I will continue to reclaim
our ditch banks and address the many issues of running the Acequias
de La Puebla smoothly. With your cooperation we can make the acequia
better for everyone.
I would like to remind everyone of the requirements for water use:
Spring time is ditch cleaning time. We have nearly 10 miles of ditches in our acequias. Over the Winter the acequias fill with sand and debris that restricts the flow of water. We clean the ditches every Spring to start the new irrigation season.
Thanks for your cooperation.